Wandle Industrial Museum

William Kilburn: Botanical illustrator and eminent calico printer.

Your chance to learn about a boy from Ireland, who became the most highly skilled, but little known, calico printer of his day. His designs were particularly loved by Queen Charlotte, wife of George III. This illustrated talk by Alison Cousins of Wandle Industrial Museum, will reveal the legacy of Kilburn's designs and the role he played in copyright law.

This talk is part of the monthly West Barnes Local History Group programme. This talk is free of charge

Tuesday, February 18 · 10:30am - 12pm

West Barnes Library, Station Road, New Malden KT3 6JF

The Wandle industrial Museum mission is to preserve, store, and interpret the heritage and history of the industries and people of the River Wandle.


ALLIGATORS. 18-22 February, 7.45pm. Matinee, 22 February, 3pm