The Society has a membership of over 900 members, mainly individuals and households, but also businesses, schools and voluntary groups. New members can bring new ideas and fresh enthusiasms. The bigger our membership, the greater our influence.
So why don't you join us and play your part in keeping Putney and Roehampton pleasant places to live and work in? We think you will find it worthwhile. All you have to do is fill in the application form linked opposite and send it with your subscription (if paying by cheque) to the Membership Secretary.
Membership Subscription Rates:
Subscription rates for Membership vary and are dependent on whether members receive the Bulletin by email or post and pay by Direct Debit or cheque.
A subscription covers all members of a household living at the same address. Note that if you subscribe to the email Bulletin it will be sent to the email address used to set up the subscription. If you wish to receive additional copies of the Bulletin to other email addresses please send the Membership Secretary details of these additional addresses.
The rates are as follows:
- Payment by Direct Debit and receive the Bulletin by email - £12.00 pa
- Payment by cheque and receive the Bulletin by email - £14.00 pa
- Payment by Direct Debit and receive the Bulletin by post - £16.00 pa (Note: increases to £20.00 pa from January 2025)
- Payment by cheque and receive the Bulletin by post - £18.00 pa (Note: increases to £22.00 pa from January 2025)
Becoming a Member:
When you are ready to join, please either:
set up a Direct Debit using this secure link- it captures all the information required for Membership
or download and print the Membership Form and, when complete, post to Chris Orriss at the address on the Form.
Please note that by applying for membership you are giving The Putney Society permission to collect, safely store and use your personal data in order to provide you with the benefits of membership. Please take time to read the full Putney Society Privacy Policy - click to view.
Membership Enquiries:
If you wish to discuss membership or have any queries please contact Chris Orriss our Membership Secretary at