Our Links
Here are a selection of links to local and national websites/venues of interest to the Society:
Dover House Singers www.doverhousesingers.co.uk
Japonica Singers
A Putney based choir who sing Japanese & European music (an interesting mix!): www.japonicasingers.wordpress.comPutney School of Art and Design
www.psad.org.ukPutney Arts Theatre www.putneyartstheatre.org.uk
Putney Choral Society www.putneychoralsoc.org.uk
Putney Music www.putneymusic.org.uk
The 1885 Singers www.1885singers.com
Wandsworth Arts Fringe www.wandsworthfringe.com
The Half Moon (music venue) www.halfmoon.co.uk
Victorian Society
The champion for Victorian and Edwardian buildings www.victoriansociety.org.ukSociety for Protection of Ancient Buildings
www.spab.org.ukThe Twentieth Century Society www.c20society.org.uk
Ancient Monuments Society
Defending historical buildings www.ancientmonumentssociety.org.ukHistoric England www.historicengland.org.uk
St Mary's, Putney Bridge www.stmarys.parishofputney.com
All Saints, Putney Common www.allsaints.parishofputney.com
St Margarets, Putney Park Lane www.stmargaretsputney.org
St Simon's (Our Lady of Pity & St Simon Stock) RC Church
Hazlewell Road, SW15 6LU www.stsimonputney.org.ukSt Joseph's RC Church
Roehampton Lane, SW15 4LE www.stjosephroehampton.org.ukPutney Methodist Church: Gwendolen Avenue SW15 6SN www.putneymethodistchurch.org.uk
Roehampton Ecumenical Parish;
Holy Trinity Parish Church
Ponsonby Road SW15 4LA www.holytrinityroehampton.orgRoehampton Methodist Church www.roehamptonmethodist.org.uk
The Wimbledon Synagogue www.wimshul.org
Roehampton Garden Society www.roehamptonallotments.co.uk
Wandsworth U3A (University of the 3rd Age) www.U3Asites.org.uk/wandsworth/welcome
A local community website, featuring news for the area, as well as a social bulletin board. www.putneySW15.comWandsworth Borough Council www.wandsworth.gov.uk
Healthwatch Wandsworth www.healthwatchwandsworth.co.uk
Social Care Services
Choices in health and social care services listed at;
www.care4me.org.uk -
Barnes Farmers Market (Saturday) http://www.barnesfarmersmarket.co.uk/
Wimbledon and Putney Commons Information including what's on. www.wpcc.org.uk
Friends of Wandsworth Park
www.friendsofwandsworthpark.com -
Merton Historical Society www.mertonhistoricalsociety.org.uk
Museum of Richmond www.museumofrichmond.com
Wandsworth Historical Society www.wandsworthhistory.org.uk
The William Morris Society
About the C19th British craftsman, designer, writer, typographer, and Socialist. Includes events & publications.
www.morrissociety.orgPutney Debates
Permanent exhibition at St Mary's Church, Putney, where the Putney Debates took place in 1647. www.putneydebates.com -
Campaign for Better Transport www.bettertransport.org.uk
Clean Air in London
Campaign for cleaner air in London www.cleanairinlondon.orgCycling UK
National cyclists' Organisation www.cyclinguk.orgHACAN
Fighting aircraft congestion over London.
www.hacan.org.ukWandsworth Living Street
Better street conditions for pedestrians.
www.livingstreets.org.ukSouth Western Railway
Timetables etc. www.southwesternrailway.comTransport for London
Journey planner
www.tfl.gov.ukWandsworth Cyclists www.wandsworthcyclists.org.uk
London Travel Watch www.londontravelwatch.org.uk
Wandsworth Society www.wandsworthsociety.org.uk
Battersea Society www.batterseasociety.org.uk
Wimbledon Society www.wimbledonsociety.org.uk
Richmond Society www.richmondsociety.org.uk
Fulham Society www.fulhamsociety.org.uk
Hammersmith Society www.hammersmithsociety.org.uk
Clapham Society www.claphamsociety.com
London Forum of Amenity Societies www.londonforum.org.uk