2025 AGM
The Putney Society 2025 AGM will be held on Monday March 24th in the Community Church.
The speaker will be Justine Greening the former MP for Putney who will be talking about her work on social mobility.
If you would like to join to the Executive Committee this year. We need new people with new ideas on making the Putney Society more relevant to local residents as we approach our 65th Anniversary. Do contact our Chair, Robert Arguile, to find out more about the role of members of the committee, chair@putneysociety.org.uk. He will send you a nomination form if you decide to stand for election to the Executive. Note that nominations should be returned to us by Monday 17 March 2025.
APRIL MEETING - Monday 28th April
Our speaker will be Colin Cooper, CEO, Wimbledon & Putney Commons Conservators.
What plans are there for Putney Heath and Putney Lower Common over the next few years?
How can WPCC fund improvements?
Wetter winters lead to floods and muddy paths – what can be done?
Can anything be done to reduce the silt in Beverley Brook?
What is WPCC doing to remove invasive species?
How can we all ensure that Putney is better represented on the board of trustees?
Colin Cooper will be addressing these points and many more on Monday 28 April at the Community Church, Werter Road SW15 2LL. at 7.30pm. Refreshments served from 7:15pm
There will also be a chance to meet the Chair of Friends of Wimbledon and Putney Commons to find out more about the way they support the Commons. They welcome new members who play a crucial role in preserving, protecting, and maintaining this unique and special place.