All Saints’ Church, Putney Common. 150th Anniversary Events

Sunday 19th May, 12.30pm: Church Birthday Party

Join us in our garden after the Parish Eucharist for an informal party on the Day of Pentecost – celebrating the birthday of our church on the birthday of ‘the Church’!

Saturday 22nd June, 7.30pm Words and Music

An evening of music and spoken word to celebrate the All Saints’ building and community, coordinated by parishioner Nick Rowe.

Sunday 3rd November, All Saints’ Sunday with the Dean of Southwark Cathedral

Celebrate our patronal festival in our anniversary year. At the 10.30am Parish Eucharist - our guest preacher will be the Dean of Southwark Cathedral, the Very Revd Dr Mark Oakely. At 5pm, we will have our usual family celebration of All Saints followed by fireworks.


Roehampton Allotments open as part of the National Garden Scheme - Sunday 21st July


Car Boot Sales at Queen Mary’s Hospital